Hi everyone!
I'm trying to assemble some readings from a Hokuyo laser simulated in gazebo.
The assembler I'm trying to use is the one you can download here: https://github.com/ros-perception/laser_assembler
Once I have downloaded and catkin_maked it, I run the gazebo simulation, which publish the topic /mybot/laser/scan with the planar scan. I can perfectly visualize that scan in rviz by setting the fixed frame to a topic called "odom" and adding a LaserScan with the /mybot/laser/scan topic.
Then, I create the following launch file called "hokuyo_assembler.launch":
but when I try in a new terminal "roslaunch laser_assembler hokuyo_assembler.launch", it does not publish any new topic, it only says the following:
* /laser_scan_assembler/fixed_frame: odom
* /laser_scan_assembler/ignore_laser_skew: True
* /laser_scan_assembler/max_scans: 400
* /laser_scan_assembler/tf_cache_time_secs: 10.0
* /rosdistro: kinetic
* /rosversion: 1.12.7
laser_scan_assembler (laser_assembler/laser_scan_assembler)
core service [/rosout] found
process[laser_scan_assembler-1]: started with pid [13103]
[ INFO] [1501870597.118463994]: TF Cache Time: 10.000000 Seconds
[ INFO] [1501870597.122609645]: Max Scans in History: 400
[ INFO] [1501870597.128738188]: Fixed Frame: odom
Any idea of how can I create the topic with the assembled scans?
Thanks in advance.